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C-sleeves are designed for connecting, branching and extending copper lines. Sleeves are manufactured of 99,9 % pure copper.

The C-sleeves have marking of manufacturer, type of sleeve and the sizes of compatible wires.

Installation guide for C-sleeves

STK code Product code Product name Conductor (mm²) L (mm) H (mm) W (mm) Die (Elpress) Weight (g) Package size (pcs) Product data
5040304 VA05-0010 C4 6-10/6-10 13 8 12 BC4 5 100 Product card
5040300 VA05-0011 C5 10-16/10-16 16 10 15 BC5 10 100 Product card
5040305 VA05-0001 C6-3 16-25/6 19 12 16 BC6 19 100 Product card
5040306 VA05-0002 C6 16-25/16-25 22 11,8 16 BC6 18 100 Product card
5040301 VA05-0012 C8-6 25-35/16-25 28 18 22,7 BC8-9 60 50 Product card
5040308 VA05-0003 C8 25-35/25-35 28 18 23 BC8-9 58 50 Product card
5040310 VA05-0008 C9-6 35-50/16-25 28 18 23 BC8-9 58 50 Product card
5040302 VA05-0013 C9-8 35-50/25-35 28 18 23 BC8-9 56 50 Product card
5040309 VA05-0004 C9 35-50/35-50 28 18 23 BC8-9 51 50 Product card
5040303 VA05-0014 C11-8 50-70/25-35 31 19 23 BC11 63 50 Product card
5040307 VA05-0015 C11-9 50-70/35-50 31 19 23 BC11 60 50 Product card
5040311 VA05-0005 C11 50-70/50-70 31 19 24 BC11 59 50 Product card
5040312 VA05-0016 C13-8 70-95/25-35 35 22 25 BC13 89 50 Product card
5040314 VA05-0017 C13-9 70-95/35-50 35 22 25 BC13 87 50 Product card
5040316 VA05-0018 C13-11 70-95/50-70 35 22 25 BC13 82 50 Product card
5040313 VA05-0007 C13 70-95/70-95 35 22 25 BC13 74 50 Product card
5040317 VA05-0019 C15-8 95-120/25-35 41 26 30 BC15 152 25 Product card
5040318 VA05-0020 C15-9 95-120/35-50 41 26 30 BC15 149 25 Product card
5040319 VA05-0021 C15-11 95-120/50-70 41 26 30 BC15 144 25 Product card
5040320 VA05-0022 C15-13 95-120/70-95 41 26 30 BC15 136 25 Product card
5040315 VA05-0006 C15 95-120/95-120 41 26 30 BC15 123 25 Product card
5040322 VA05-0024 C16-9 120-150/35-50 53 30 35 BC16 264 10 Product card
5040321 VA05-0023 C16 120-150/120-150 53 30 35 BC16 232 10 Product card


Tin-plated C-sleeves

C-sleeves are also available with tin plating. Suitable for more challenging environments.

STK code Product code Product name Conductor (mm²) L (mm) H (mm) W (mm) Die (Elpress) Weight (g) Package size (pcs) Product data Installation
5040333 VA05-0029 C4 Tin 6-10/6-10 13 8 12 BC4 5 100 Product card Installation
5040332 VA05-0030 C5 Tin 10-16/10-16 16 10 15 BC5 10 100 Product card Installation
5040324 VA05-0031 C6-3 Tin 16-25/6 19 12 16 BC6 19 100 Product card Installation
5040326 VA05-0026 C6 Tin 16-25/16-25 22 11,8 16 BC6 18 100 Product card Installation
5040334 VA05-0032 C8-6 Tin 25-35/16-25 28 18 22,7 BC8-9 60 50 Product card Installation
5040328 VA05-0033 C8 Tin 25-35/25-35 28 18 23 BC8-9 58 50 Product card Installation
5040336 VA05-0034 C9-6 Tin 35-50/16-25 28 18 23 BC8-9 58 50 Product card Installation
5040338 VA05-0035 C9-8 Tin 35-50/25-35 28 18 23 BC8-9 56 50 Product card Installation
5040329 VA05-0036 C9 Tin 35-50/35-50 28 18 23 BC8-9 51 50 Product card Installation
5040342 VA05-0037 C11-8 Tin 50-70/25-35 31 19 23 BC11 63 50 Product card Installation
5040343 VA05-0038 C11-9 Tin 50-70/35-50 31 19 23 BC11 60 50 Product card Installation
5040330 VA05-0027 C11 Tin 50-70/50-70 31 19 24 BC11 59 50 Product card Installation
5040344 VA05-0039 C13-8 Tin 70-95/25-35 35 22 25 BC13 89 50 Product card Installation
5040346 VA05-0040 C13-9 Tin 70-95/35-50 35 22 25 BC13 87 50 Product card Installation
5040348 VA05-0041 C13-11 Tin 70-95/50-70 35 22 25 BC13 82 50 Product card Installation
5040349 VA05-0046 C13 Tin 70-95/70-95 35 22 25 BC13 74 50 Product card Installation
5040351 VA05-0042 C15-8 Tin 95-120/25-35 41 26 30 BC15 152 25 Product card Installation
5040353 VA05-0043 C15-9 Tin 95-120/35-50 41 26 30 BC15 149 25 Product card Installation
5040355 VA05-0044 C15-11 Tin 95-120/50-70 41 26 30 BC15 144 25 Product card Installation
5040357 VA05-0045 C15-13 Tin 95-120/70-95 41 26 30 BC15 136 25 Product card Installation
5040331 VA05-0028 C15 Tin 95-120/95-120 41 26 30 BC15 123 25 Product card Installation
5040359 VA05-0047 C16 Tin 120-150/35-50 53 30 35 BC16 264 10 Product card Installation
5040358 VA05-0048 C16-9 Tin 120-150/120-150 53 30 35 BC16 232 10 Product card Installation


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